irebukeu wrote:

> DAVEH:  I am curious as to whether either of you two (Dean and/or Ruben)
> have walked through Temple Square as a normal visitor rather than a
> protester?  Have either of you been inside and toured the visitors
> center or heard the Tabernacle Choir or walked the grounds
> Ruben:
> No I have not, neither have I walked into a bath house while preaching in
> San Francisco or nude bar in New Orleans.  Every man there pays he own way
> and supports himself, we are there for business not for sight seeing.  We
> have gone from city to city not to wine and dine or vacation.we are there to
> do the Fathers affairs.  Do the Mormon missionaries vacation?

DAVEH:  I attended a few church services of others, and I also visited several 
cathedrals and chapels.

> DAVEH:  Did it not occur to you to visit the site prior to protesting it?  I
> would have thought you might have done so either out
> of curiosity, or perhaps to survey the enemy (so to speak).  Weren't yo a
> little bit curious?
> Ruben:
> A) Do the Mormon missionaries protest while knocking on doors?


> B) No one is protesting, the word is preaching.

DAVEH:  A form of teaching that is meant to be embarrassing is foreign to me, Ruben.

> C) The only survey we need would be the entrance and exits
> D) I/we are not curious on why they do what they do, as you seem to be with
> us.
> E) The reason they have become enemy is not personal, but because you have
> F) If you really want to have us visit DAVEH then have a few of us walk into
> the Temple, bang on a few walls, open a few drawers, walk into some closets
> and "white glove" some rooms..YOU IN OR OUT?

DAVEH:  I'm not inviting you to visit, Ruben.  I'm merely asking if you had done so 
prior to your protests.  In the same vein.......Have you ever attended an LDS meeting 
(worship service)?

Dave Hansen
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