Wrong Kevin,
It's God who GIVES the increase, so without the
work of the Holy Spirit there is none. Flesh ministry
produces fleshly results that also accrue to Satans
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It is your business. However, I do think that someone who does not lead anyone to the Lord has NO BUSINESS telling others, who do, HOW TO do what they Themselves DO NOT DO!
Some Plant
Some Water
Some Reap
God gets the increase
Some DO NOThing
Satan gets this increase!

Why would you think it any of your business Kevin?
Are you my judge?  I'm sure you don't even have an accurate
count of what you believe to be the notches in your belt - since
not all who come will stay.  Some plant, some water, others reap -
but it is ultimately God who gives the increase... so no flesh is
going to glory in His Presence.
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Why do you think everyone but you is 'hiding their light' Kevin?
Is doing what you do the ONLY way to let your light shine?

No I think tracting is great, door to door, whatever. But do something.

I have asked you before how many in your lifetime you have led to the Lord, your  "way"

You never answered. I ask again.

How many have you LOVED into the Kingdom, Judy?

Since you do not answer I am left to answer for you; NONE. This would explain your resistance of Jesus many clear commands to GO into ALL the World & preach the gospel. I know that most likely you will say, this scripture, is for somebody else, you bear NO Responsibility for others. Any scripture that rubs you the wrong way can be assigned to someone else. Your "Love" will cover a multitude of sins. Yes it will, you will NOT be condemned but you will be ASHAMED as you see multitudes upon multitudes of Human beings CAST forever into a LAKE of FIRE. Some of them People you could have told but DID NOT. That is a SHAME. I CO 15:34


Oophs! I didn't see this part...

SCREAM? Are you trying to paint us as HYSTERICAL MANIACS?
To SCREAM is "To speak in a heated HYSTERICAL manner"
I am not some maniac SCREAMING some NONSENSE to get attention.
I am preaching the Word of God, I have points and structure and

I don't believe the Word of God needs to be screamed at anyone.
Paul says the servant of the Lord is not to strive but to be patient
with all men, apt to teach. Screaming at ppl is striving with them.

I also tailor my messages to the crowd. Preaching a hell fire &
damnation message to Satan worshipers is Ok while not the best
for a family crowd. A striaght foward salvation message to a cult
group presents the problem of them reinterpreting "christian"
terms to mean what the cult teaches. This is why I study false
religions to help me use terms that have the correct meaning,
to the crowd I am addressing. I also lift my voice so I can be
heard by all those in a crowd. If I speak at a low volume and
they do not hear, what is the point?

Don't you believe the Spirit of Truth can cut through Satans
brain fog?

Thanks for pointing out the IS verse was written to IS..
2 Tim 3:16 ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness I quoted this verse to show how the Bible DEFINES
Crying this is not BOO HOO. We are Told Jesus STOOD & CRIED.
He was lifting up his voice Jn 7:37 He cried aloud with a little gusto.

Well you can speculate all you like about how loud it was he cried.
The sad thing is that so few responded to his invitation.

>From your original post I surmissed you were saying he never
lifted His voice. Are you now modifying/qualifying that stand?

Well the prophet said he would not lift his voice in the streets, are
you siding with the Mormons now in saying that the Bible is not
translated correctly?

We NEVER scream we NEVER yell. I will admit I have gotten a
little heated a time or two. We do PREACH VERY LOUD, we lift
up our voices like a TRUMPET. A Trumpet carries a long way.
Sometimes we reserve some volumne sometimes we "spare not".
I for one, do not need a Megaphone to be heard. There are times
to let it rip, "spare not" and times when I preach in a soft
conversational tone. Times when it would be inappropriate to
let it rip, such as a family crowd, or at a bust stop. A large party
crowd or a lot of background noise would NOT be one of the
times for soft spoken. The Bible clearly says "Spare not"!

The Bible says that to the prophet Isaiah. He was supposed to
show the house of Jacob (which is Israel) their sin.

Mt 10:27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light:
and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
If I PREACHED upon a HOUSETOP, would that be refined &
dignified enough for you? Would it draw enough attention? I
suppose that MANY would hear. the news would come take
pictures MANY would see. The POINT is GET THE WORD
OUT! Jer 50:2 "DECLARE ye among the nations, and PUBLISH,
and set up a standard; publish, and CONCEAL NOT"
How sad that so many HIDE their light!

Why do you think everyone but you is 'hiding their light' Kevin?
Is doing what you do the ONLY way to let your light shine?

Do you ever Shout for joy? Ever raise your voice for a sports
event, or your kids at a performance? Is that screaming? Is that

It's more dignified than waving underwear in SLC...

MK 1:45 But he went out, and began to PUBLISH it much, and
to BLAZE ABROAD the matter, insomuch that Jesus could no
more openly enter into the city, but was without in desert places:
and they came to him from every quarter.

They came to him for healing. I'm sure if you healed a few lame
and crippled ppl outside the temple in SLC you wouldn't need
to wave their underwear provoking them to the kind of wrath
that leads to violence.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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