Judy wrote:
>> How is it you are not grieved and/or offended when 
>> Kevin constantly accuses me of 'doing and saying 
>> nothing of any value?'

I think what Kevin is trying to say is that your responses are such that
they only deter from what he is explaining to you, and that he does not
see any value in your responses.  In other words, what contribution are
you offering?  It seems like you are just standing against preaching,
but then when that is pressed, you say no, you are not against the
preaching because you have never seen it.  So then, why speak contrary
to it?  I may have mangled what he was trying to say, but that is how it
came across to me.  Therefore, I'm not grieved in the same way as if he
was saying that you are not a Christian because you aren't out there
saving souls. Of course, Kevin, if you did mean that, speak up, because
I do not believe that all Christians should be out preaching in the
streets or they are of no value to God.

Judy wrote:
> To tell the truth I don't know what they do out there 
> but if it is anything like their ministry to the Mormons 
> on TT, then I would say Amen... because I hear a lot of 
> pride in what they say, us vs them attitudes, defensiveness 
> and accusation.  The one thing I do not hear is caring 
> and/or love. How do you expect to communicate anything 
> to anyone like this?

I agree with you on this point.  The Street Preachers are a motley crew.
They are almost impossible to get along with.  They can hardly hear each
other, and they have so many schisms among them that it is a disgrace to
the name of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, you will not find a group of
Christians more dedicated and more willing to lay down their lives for
the gospel and for Jesus Christ.  

I believe that they need to hear your message, but as you yourself have
said, how can anyone communicate anything if an adversarial approach is
taken.  With defensiveness and an us vs. them attitude exists,
communication tends to break down.  It seems to me that you have done
this very thing in trying to communicate with them.  You have acted
defensively and taken an us vs. them approach.  I hope you are not
offended by me saying this.  Have they taken this approach too?  Yes
they have.  I guess I expect it from them, but not from someone like
you.  I think you are strong enough to perhaps realize it, tweak your
approach, and maybe help them to hear the message that you have for
them.  This can work better if you first find what you can agree with
them about. 

For example, consider answering the following questions, and see if it
is possible to answer in the affirmative, in agreement, with a "yes." 

1. Should some members of the body of Christ preach repentance? 

2. Will God sometimes cause members of the body of Christ to speak
confrontationally to those who oppose Jesus Christ?  

3. Will God sometimes call men to raise their voice in public, to
declare the sins of our society to them, and to offer a solution to the
problem of sin?  

4. Is it within the ability and plan of God to call men to use banners
and t-shirts and stickers to get the message out that men need to Trust

I hope you can find some agreement with affirming these points.  Then
your points about working on attitude, being humble, etc. can make more
headway.  Sometimes these guys don't get it unless they see it in action
too.  I can't tell you how many I butt heads with on e-mail, but in
person, they marvel at humility and meekness.  In other words, they
respond to it and see that these virtues are of Jesus Christ.  This
tells me that the Spirit of Christ abides in them.  They just function
in a particular way and their personalities are such that they have a
hard time understanding how they fit in with the rest of the body of
Christ.  Despite not understanding that, they still know what God has
called them to do.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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