Kevin wrote:
>> It is your business. However, I do think that someone 
>> who does not lead anyone to the Lord has NO BUSINESS 
>> telling others, who do, HOW TO do what they Themselves 

Judy wrote:
> Wrong Kevin, It's God who GIVES the increase, 
> so without the work of the Holy Spirit there 
> is none. Flesh ministry produces fleshly results 
> that also accrue to Satans account.   

Hi Judy.  It grieves my spirit to hear remarks like this.  I think you
are reacting to certain things and speaking to the street preachers in
the same manner as what you have criticized in them.  

Please try to look at these discussions from the heart of God.  While we
all need to be reminded to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh, to
summarize an answer as you have here is to imply that the ministry of
street preachers is fleshly and accrues to Satan's account rather than
God's benefit.  Such a view is grossly mistaken.

I can tell you that these men sacrifice greatly to get God's Word out.
You may not understand it yourself.  You may even think they are wasting
their time.  You may wonder what they could possibly hope to accomplish
by doing what they do.  What you do not see or consider is that perhaps
God has spoken to the hearts of these men, and they simply are being
obedient to the heavenly calling that God has put upon them.

The flesh seeks for itself and to comfort itself.  These men become the
sewer of the earth when they preach these events.  They are truly like
the scum of the earth.  People curse and spit upon them, and they revile
the Word of God.  If the preachers were of the flesh, they would buy a
fishing boat and enjoy a day out on the lake or ocean, or go water
skiing or sailing, or maybe just kick back and watch television.
Instead, they go to great expense and sacrifice of the flesh to get
God's Word out to people who are engaged in satisfying the lust of their
flesh.  They go for 12 to 16 hours carrying these banners and preaching
and exhorting people to forsake their carnal pleasures and believe upon
Jesus Christ.  They preach to men at football games, how they can quote
the statistics for all the football players on their favorite teams, but
they cannot even name the 12 apostles of Christ.  Their message brings
conviction to numerous people, both famous and not so famous.  

Please do not be so careless with your words.  Truly the preachers are
men like other men, and so as such they might at times react in a carnal
manner to things said, but you cannot believe that this ministry in
which they are engaged is of the flesh.  You would only have to join
them on one preaching event to see that such is not the case.  Most men
cannot keep up with the pace that Ruben hits these events, especially
those who tend to pamper their flesh.  I guarantee you that most pastors
would not be able to keep up even if they tried, and many would not
return again once they experience the persecution that arises out of
declaring God's Word to a wicked generation.  I have had many who have
joined me and agree with the ministry but never return to help again.
I've experienced this in street preaching, and I have experienced it
also among those who try and help me serve the poor and homeless with
clothing, food, shelter, bringing them to church, jobs, etc.  People
have a hard time making sacrifice.  Please understand one thing if you
don't understand anything else.  Street preaching is not a ministry of
the flesh that produces fleshly results.  It is a ministry that the
flesh hates, a service of sacrifice, and the fruit of it is good fruit,
bringing men to conviction concerning their apathy towards God and their
wicked ways.  Sure, there are many who resist it and do not convert,
just as Jesus experienced that with most of those who heard him, but
there also is very good fruit, men dedicating their lives to God and
forsaking the lust of the flesh to serve God.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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