Do you really know Him?
Why not give us your testimony Blaine?
Thatr is an easy one.
I am sure everyone would love to hear it.
If any of you guys would like to hear Blaines testimony please post a not to encourage him to do so.

Kevin wrote:

How many have you LOVED into the Kingdom, Judy?
> Since you do not answer I am left to answer for you; NONE.

Blaine wrote:
Hey Kevin, If I were not already a member of the true Church of Jesus
Christ, and if I had to choose a new religion, I'd check Judy's church
out looooong before I'd ever even come within a hundred miles of
whatever it is you advocate.
Since you Street Preachers are all so "KIND" to me in warning me of ???
Not even sure what I need to look out for??? Maybe you won't mind if I
give you the same warning--you all need to repent!
Here's what Jesus said about you guys:

"Many will say at that day, . . . Lord, Lord, have we not . . .
in thy name done many woderful works?"
And then I will profess unto them, "I never knew you: depart from me,
ye that work iniquity.""

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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