Judy: Sad to say DavidM but I don't see that their horizen is much bigger than their banners, fear God T-Shirts, and the next street meeting. I find it ironic that Ruben and TPW are collaborating on New Years Eve in Vegas. What do they say? Birds of a feather?
Ruben: Due to the fact you really don't know what you are talking about Judy, I will shed some light on my relationship with THE PAGAN WOLF. We have met on a campus preachers bulletin board over a year ago (Jed Smock), we have argued and even name called each other (if you can believe that) on more than one occasion and he keeps coming back without being offended as most Christians would have been. If you do not wish to see me working in public, then you will not like to see him working.BECAUSE HE WILL EAT CHRISTIANS LIKE YOU ALIVE.then lay in wait for more. He and I agree on much and disagree on everything, but I respect him and believe it or not, he does keep an eye out for my safety when I out doing what he might detest. Who he is.is a mystery that many before me have tried to find, but at this point I' m to busy and besides he lives in Canada, but one day we will meet. He and I both dislike religion, for the way the rape their followers of money and life, filled with hypocrites and those that lack something. I have stood outside of Churches that allow sodomites to teach from the pulpits and I have preached at Christian events, concerts and as you all know conventions to get back into the God of the Bible. Well TPW is an actual pagan, who is well informed on Christianity and more, he looks for Christians who are annoying and will put them in their place. He can confuse you or question you and when you finally stop spinning, you are in his cave. He has been known to make Christians run and cry. The stories can go on and on, but he still hates my guts..I think? What seemed to be a surprise was when we went to the execution of Paul Hill and preached against abortion and for the death penalty, he seemed a bit shocked that we would do that. Odd you say? I can tell you the story of Thomas the atheist, whom I met while he was a freshman and has since graduated and still joins me when I'm in New Orleans and Washington D.C. We are not what you might think and we do not treat everyone the same, if you think all we do is wave underwear and scream at people. To those that are humble we can be humble and to those that are derogatory..WE CAN BE THAT TOO ---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.