From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kevin wrote:  
The BoM is a work of FICTION:

Blaine writes:  There is so much about the book of Mormon that tells us
it is true, we don't need to know exactly where everything was, but we
believe and have faith it will be revealed in the Lord's own due time
anyway--He has not failed us yet.  We know God is testing our faith--He
will pull our very heartstrings to see if we can stand it, and if we
can't, we are not fit for the Kingdom of God--

What exactly about the book of Mormon tells you it is true Blaine?
What I can't figure out is why you would prefer that to the Holy Bible?

so, Kevin, and Judy, when the locations are eventually shown to man, 
you will be ashamed for not having had more faith, while we will be 
rejoicing, having had our faith tested, and having kept the faith as true

and loyal servants.  

What if at His coming you learn that your faith has been misplaced?
After all, we will be judged by the words that Jesus spoke, not the book
of Mormon. (see John 12:48)

Our confidence will wax strong in the presence of God, but you will go 
away with your heads hanging down, unless you repent of your arrogance 
and pride.

Paul told the Bereans they were more honorable than those in Thessalonica
because they checked his teaching against the scriptures.. Why is it
and arrogance to do the same today?  It was God's wisdom then and
God does not change. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

BTW, there are already several newer books written by BYU people regards
the locations in the BoM--very interesting stuff.  But considering you
are so anxious to make anything favorable to Mormonism appear wrong, or
evil, I have fears you will not read them, or if you do read them, you
would  just fault them.  Your quotes below  are all back in the 60's and
70's-- any new stuff?  I do have some things written more recently--all
one has to do is vistit Deseret Book Store.  Thye shalves get fuller and

Of the writing of many books there is no end but the writer of
Ecclesiastes tells us it is "weariness to the flesh"  - I spend most of
time focusing on THE BOOK.

Grace and Peace,
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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