Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

michael douglas wrote:

Blainer:.  But he was denied the privilege of tabernacling in the flesh,

because he made war in heaven, and actually overcame one-third of the

hosts of heaven. The other two-thirds are you and I

(here Blainer is saying that he is an angel/former angel) and all

others who were allowed to take on mortal bodies. 17/10/2002 - Michael D to Dave H: Blainer represents this as though the other two thirds have already taken on flesh.
DAVEH:  He didn't quite say that, but the effect is the same.  (IOW.....some of those two thirds may yet to be born.)

Michael D: I understand that that is what he is saying now. My point is that in our previous discussions, he was saying something very different. His statements to Perry stopped me in my tracks, so I had to go back and compare them with what he said back then. Clearly they are contradictions and probably adjusted views. That's my concern here. Of course, nothing is wrong with adjusted views or erring, but to recognise them as such would be important. Like David M. I will await an explanation on this one (although he takes it in a specific direction).
 Does this meanthat the only angels now are the ones who have died?

DAVEH:  Not necessarily.  As I pointed out above, there are likely some (perhaps a lot) who have yet to come  into mortality.  In fact, if you look below you can see Blaine specifically said that all angels who minister to the peoples of this earth are either former or future inhabitants of this earth. 6/02/2004 - Michael D: Hey Blainer, your statement above contradicts the one

immediately below, and the bold, italicized red text further on.

Can you explain this? Perry, I am sure you would want to address this as well

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