Michael D: Sorry for the delay in answering this Blainer. I only have time to shoot off a couple quick questions.

Blaine Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Blaine:  I will give this another shot, hopefully some light will emerge. 
 First,   Mormonism teaches there is no such thing as an angel that was not one of God's spirit children to begin with.  
All angels were one of God's 'spirit children', but not all of God's spirit children are angels, do I get that right?
 Angels as Spirits
... They may have lived on earth previous to their appearance.  Or, they may yet live on the earth--either way, they are not yet resurrected beings  (Jesus was the firstfruits of the resurrection).  Jehovah, who appeared to Moses, was not an angel but a God??? but was in spirit form.  He would later take on flesh and be known as Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God.  When he appears again, however, he will appear in the flesh, as a resurrected being, a personage with a body of flesh and bone, but not blood.  He will be spiritual, not carnal, by nature.  He will be a purified, sanctified, glorified personage, with the glory of the sun as being typical. 
Will he be god, angel or man at this point ???
Such is also the potential of those who seek to become like him, through his grace and his mediation.  (See below, angels as resurrected beings.) 
 Angels as resurrected Beings
JS taught that angels can also be persons who have lived on the earth in the flesh, and have since been resurrected.  These cannot have been resurrected before the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the first fruits of the resurrection, however.   Such an angel (Moroni) JS saw when given the gold plates to translate, and when given the Priesthood (John the Baptist, and Peter and James)--also when given PH keys to work for the dead, the gathering of Israel,  and the keys to the dispensation of Abraham, by such angels as Elijah, Moses, and Elias.  These angels appear in  glorified form, surrounded by light.  They are sanctified and purified,  as they speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, and act under God's command and are therefore subordinate to him.  But their powers are similar to those of God, who gives them his powers, since they are not just his servants, but are his  proven friends.  Abraham was one such friend. (Isaiah 41:8);  so was Moses (Exodus 33:11).  So are all those who keep His commandments (John 15:13-14  "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends;  Ye are my friends, if you do whatsoever I command you").
Also, Blainer, are these 'angels' gods as well? if not when do they become such?

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