Who was the First?
First Mormon? - Joe Smith
First Presbyterian? - John Knox & Calvin
Fiirst Methodist? - John Wesley
First Disciples of Christ? - Alexander Campbell
All faiths have a founder, answer this:
First Baptist?   ???????
There is no personality this side of Jesus Christ who is a satisfactory explanation of Baptist origin. The New Testament churches were independent, self-governing, democratic bodies like the Baptist churches of today. We originated, not at the Reformation, nor in the Dark Ages, not in any century after the Apostles but our Marching Orders are the Great Commission, and the first Baptist Church was the Church at Jerusalem. Our principles are as old as Christianity, and we acknowledge no founder but Christ" !!!!!
The footsteps of the Baptists of the ages can more easily be traced by blood than by baptism. It is a lineage of suffering rather than a succession of bishops; a martyrdom of principle, rather than a dogmatic decree of councils; a golden chord of love, rather than an iron chain of succession, which, while attempting to rattle its links back to the apostles, has been of more service in chaining some protesting Baptist to the stake than in proclaiming the truth of the New Testament. It is, nevertheless, a right royal succession, that in every age the Baptists have been advocates of liberty for all, and have held that the gospel of the Son of God makes every man a free man in Christ Jesus.
Anabaptist:  the primacy of the Bible; baptism of believers not infants; complete separation of church and state
The greek word ana is used in its meaning of "again"
AnaBaptists were RE-Baptizers.
They baptized only believers, this is a core belief.
Infants can not believe.
Baptists and Anabaptists existed before the reformation.
In this way they are not Protestants.

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