Charles Perry Locke wrote:

> Blaine,
>    You have posted two responses containing these questions without
> answering them. If you cannot answer them, just say so. Here they are again
> in case you thought I was addressing someone else.
> I would like to extend these questions to DaveH as well to get a consensus
> of our LDS members.
> 1. Were you born with a sin nature?

DAVEH:   No.  IMO, babies do not inherit sin from Adam, though they experience 
physical death because of his transgression.

> 2. If so, where did it come from? How did you get it?

DAVEH:  I believe people work hard at being sinful.  I know that may seem contrary to 
what you may believe, but I think we tend to repeat little transgressions until they 
become habits, and then mature as our bodies grow.  If we don't change our ways
(repent) and learn to follow Christ, then like a snowball rolling downhill, our sinful 
nature can gain a lot of momentum.  FWIW.....that's my opinion, and is not necessarily 

> 3. If not, then when did you take on a sin nature?

DAVEH:  I think a lot of it happens when we are young and easily influenced by our 
environment and social situations.  At an early age, we may not realize the right or 
wrongness of what we see and assimilate.  Eventually it becomes habitual and
subsequently habits can rule lives.

> 4. Or, were you born incapable of sinning, and are still that way?

DAVEH:  Not at all.  All are capable of sinning, though I don't believe we are sinners 
until we become aware of the difference between good and evil.  Like Adam, though we 
may hear commands and disobey them, I don't consider it to be a sin if we do not
know the difference....but rather it is a transgression.  I know most TTers will 
disagree with me on that, but that's how I perceive it, Perry.

    And.......FTR....What I've said above is my thinking only, and does not 
necessarily represent the doctrines of the LDS Church.

    What do you think Blaine?  I haven't been following this thread too closely (it's 
been a bit confusing as to who is posting what at times), so don't know what you said. 
 Are we in agreement on some/any of this???

> Perry

Dave Hansen
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