Forgive me Reverand Father for I have erred
O how I long to be considered worthy again.

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Judy wrote:
> Why would you think Bill's belief more important
> than that of Perry, Terry, Vincent, Kevin, Laura,
> and the others? The teacher is Jesus and he can
> speak through all or any part of the body; it's
> up to us to discern what is of him through the
> anointing that dwells within those of us who
> belong to Christ.

We are not all equal. I know we have talked about this before and did
not agree. Nevertheless, I think it is factually correct that we are
not all equal.

With regards to knowledge, we are not all equal.

With regards to how we share our knowledge, we are not all equal.

It is very clear to me that Bill Taylor knows a whole lot more than what
he has shared thus far. The only way for the wealth of that knowledge
to come forth is if we are worthy enough to receive the part that he
does share. When we receive that, then more will come. If we do not
receive, then the stream of knowledge stops. This is the way Jesus
operated. This is the way the Holy Spirit operates today. To him who
has received, more will be given him that he might have in abundance,
but he who rejects that which is given will have taken away from him
even that which he has.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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