Marlin, I pray that the Lord will supply you with whatever your family needs to record your music if that is your desire.  My husband says there are recording companies that are less expensive than purchasing your own equipment, but I’m sure you know more about that than we do.  Your children are blessed to have such loving parents. You will be richly rewarded by the Lord for your faithfulness to Him and your family.  Your life sounds like a real living sacrifice to Him. A fragrant offering. No wonder he put you in the flower business. J Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marlin Halverson
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:14 AM


Of concern to me is conducting business in a way that pleases God and develops character and training in my home-schooled children.  Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  This is my greatest God-ordained responsibility as a parent.  It is not a job to pawn off on a "church."  I believe that training a child "in the way that HE should go" takes into account individual aptitudes and abilities and interests, and matching these to opportunities that we can do our best to provide.  I believe that training a child "in the way that he SHOULD go" takes into account the commandments of God which we will keep if we love Him.  One way to appreciate God in return for His many blessings and benefits, resulting from our obedience and His grace, is to praise Him with songs. 


Musically, we are not what one calls "professionals."  That is not our aim, so much as it is to edify one another and to praise God.  There are CD recorders available now, but they are expensive.  We hope to acquire one some day.  The CDs themselves are cheap. 



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