Judy Taylor wrote:
I was born and raised in Melbourne Australia; both ggrandfathers on my fathers side
came to the colony to spread the gospel, (they were Primitive Methodist ministers). However
within two generations the truth had been lost and today my family in Australia are in
darkness and frantically looking to psychology, eastern religion, whatever for some relief
and peace but in their ignorance they continue to reject the fount of living water thinking
they know all about it and there is nothing left to learn because they went to SS in a dead
denominational Church,   (one neice who is now a schoolteacher even taught it).  It was
a shock for me to learn how deceived I had been for all those years and this may be why
I am such a stickler for God's Truth.
I met my husband while on a working holiday and for 20yrs we were a Navy famly living
overseas; it was during these years that I returned to the God of my fathers - (a God I had
not known) and I began a serious study of the scriptures (trying to make up for lost time).
This has been a transforming experience for me; the more I know Him through His Word
the more I love Him and desire to do His Will; if I appear to you to be beside myself,
please bear with me and forgive me.  judyt
Hey Judy:
I would be the last person in the world to advise you to be anything other than a stickler for God's truth.  The only thing I might suggest is that you think about what I heard a preacher say one time.  "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care."  You won't find those exact words in a Bible verse, but it is true, and it is biblical.  I think maybe we have all assumed your being a stickler has ruled out your also being a carer.  That's why I am hoping that we can all get to know each other better.  You care more about people you know, especially your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Just a thought

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