

Perhaps that’s what I like about you—our commonality as “trailer trash”.  I once lived in one, too. J I found it a whole lot nicer than no roof at all. (I also know you are a fabulous gun maker, which is every bit as impressive as anyone’s cardboard mortarboard.) 


Okay, I’ll play.  Although I don’t think it is “easy” to describe what I find awesome about the Lord.  Perhaps it is His absolute tenderness, that He would care to save a piece of “trailer trash”-- a little girl who had no tenderness or beauty in her life, but had a big ache in her heart to know if there was a God out there somewhere, and if there was that would He just please let her know.  That the Omnipotent would fall in love with a skinny little waif that nobody else cared much about, and couldn’t have offered Him a thing in exchange. That’s probably why I love animals, and old folks, and other helpless things today. I’m sure that’s why I love Him. He is the Tender One.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:31 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.


It occurred to me today during an off line conversation that though we are almost all brothers and sisters in Christ, we at the same time are strangers.  I know a little more about some of you who have been on TT longer, and I know David Miller from spending part of a weekend in his company, but I still do not know any of you well.  I suspect that most of you have the same problem.  I picture the more educated among us as standing around in a gown and miter board with an armload of books, maybe some horn rimmed glasses thrown in.  They probably picture me as the redneck dropout who can barely sign his name.  Got the straw between my teeth and the pickup truck on blocks in the front yard.  Trailer trash.
I know I have to love you all whether you are my brother or my sister or my enemy.  That is a command, not an option.  Seeing that is so, I am going to love you all, BUT...... there exists in my opinion, a responsibility on the other party's part to not make it harder than necessary to carry out this command.  Again, my opinion; I think it is much easier to love someone you know rather than someone who is just a face in the crowd or a voice from the podium.  With that in mind, at the risk of appearing bossy, let me suggest that we stop criticizing for one week, and concentrate for the same length of time on revealing ourselves to others in an effort to get to know one another more intimately, like brothers and sisters are supposed to.  Let's start with something easy, like what do you find awesome about your Lord?  Just to get it going, I will open up first, sharing a thought that started the idea of this post.

When I walk outside on a sunny cloudless day, I look up and see a beautiful blue sky.  Then I become aware that this is not a canopy or a ceiling.  I am actually looking light years into space.  Looking through the blue, not at it.  At night it is even more wondrous.  You can look at the same sky that was blue, but now it has a billion twinkling stars.  So many that no one has been able to name them all or even count them.  They are God's creation!.  All He had to do was speak, and they were.  Then I think that I am observing all this from a platform called earth that is not anchored to anything.  It is held in place only by God's will .  It is a giant ball of dirt, one planet among who knows how many, and I, a very temporary, very insignificant speck on one ball of dirt, am not only recognized by the most powerful being in the universe. I am loved by Him, so much that He sacrificed His own son to save me.
THAT is awesome!  Who's next?

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