John wrote:

> I remember a family in a fellowship I was with where the little girl prayed
> that God would let her have identical twin brothers. Her mother was not
> pregnant, was not planning to be pregnant, and there were not twins in the
> family.
> About a year later, the mother gave birth to identical twin boys.

Perry, what would be the odds on this.

John, the article I read stated about 1 in 26 births are twins (when fertility drugs are not in use), and about 25% of those are identical, which means about 1 in 104 births are identical twins, yielding a probability of about 0.96%.

Of course, we would have to figure in the probablility that the mother and father would decide to get pregnant, and it would be even more complicated if they didn't!

When I was 11 or 12 we had a family in our town that had 8 children, all pre-school age, all natural born of the same parents. Five years in a row they had: twin boys, a girl, twin boy and girl, a boy, and twin girls. Their name was "Lamb". They had a Volkswagon micobuses to cart their family around in.


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