Judy: I was once in a YP group when she (Ten Boom) came to tell her story. I'll never forget it or her. Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: May 04, 2004 06:44
Subject: [TruthTalk] Holy Hubert Lindsey

Hey Lance I'm not a Holy Hubert follower; too many contradictions and his style too judgmental. IMO he is more of a cultural icon.  I do appreciate the ministry of the late Corrie Ten Boom but she did not teach doctrine so much as her life  testified to the grace of God in such massive darkness.  judyt
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JT: And you folks rise up en masse denouncing Polanyi, Torrance and Capon?? Tradition rears its head again. Soon, I'm thinking, y'all gonna acknowledge the obvious. Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: May 03, 2004 17:35
Subject: [TruthTalk] Holy Hubert Lindsey

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy wrote: Hubert Lindsey sounds insane
No, he was not insane, and never a braver man would you ever meet.
jt: God gives us the power to do whatever we are called to.  Hubert's preaching sounds a little "out there" I found the following on "The page of anxiety" on the internet:  "Dr. Holy Hubert Lindsey." People would call in and ask the Doctor questions about the Bible, or to argue about Tongues, capitol punishment, salvation, and the like. Dr. Lindsey would then pronounce judgment, not just on the matter at hand, but also on the caller, Christendom, and society in general. Not one to mince words, The Doctor had apparently reached a point his life and career where he cared little what anyone thought of him or his message, and was quick to point out the callers' motives, spiritual condition, intellectual capacity or sexual orientation. Why do you and the Street Preachers appear to revere Hubert so much?  Almost like a present day icon. What about Corrie Ten Boom? Was she out of God's will?  A rebellious woman?  She was out speaking/teaching and was not under submission to any man. Her messages lifted up Jesus and were not personally judgmental/demeaning (it is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to convict of sin); she didn't condemn even when confronted with the man who executed her sister in a German Prison Camp when he came fwd in one of her meetings to receive Christ.
John S. wrote: Nothing holy about Hubert -- a man who claim to have converted Bill Graham,
Hubert never said that he personally, single-handedly, converted Billy Graham, if that is what you mean.  Hubert was preaching a revival with Mordecai Ham, when Billy Graham responded to an altar call for salvation at the age of 16.  Do you have some information that would repudiate this?  I checked out Hubert's story in Billy Graham's book, "Just As I Am,"
where Graham tells the whole story of his conversion at these meetings.  It confirms just about everything in Hubert's testimony about it.  He mentions Modecai Ham by name, just as we might expect from Hubert's account.  I don't remember Graham mentioning Hubert Lindsey by name in his book, but that is not unusual to give only the primary evangelist the recognition.  Billy Graham simply subtitles the chapter with, "Itinerant Evangelists."  Hubert was one of those evangelists who preached this revival with Mordecai Ham where Billy Graham was converted.  If you read the account from Graham, it sounds like Hubert's style of preaching all the way.  He describes the sermons as being about sin, judgment and Hell.  Billy Graham wrote, "What was slowly dawning on me during those weeks was the miserable realization that I did not know
Jesus Christ for myself.  I could not depend on my parents' faith."  At the time, Billy Graham was a Presbyterian who had been baptized as an infant.  Later, Billy Graham writes, "For all my previous religious upbringing and church activity, I believe that that was the moment I made my real commitment to Jesus Christ." So Hubert spoke the truth about Billy Graham's conversion.  Why do you call Hubert a liar?
John S. wrote: ... converted over 40.000 Jews and thousands of  hippies and conducted services at a 2000 member 
church  -- which in fact was his service garage.  
jt: The above is from the internet.  His Church in the 1980's was apparently a converted service garage and the number of Jews and hippies converted under his ministry is quoted on the internet as from his own mouth. I know it's the web of a million lies but reports about Hubert's ministry are remarkably similar and the same kind of thing continues with Jed Smock, Daniel, Ruben and Spingola even to the point of fist fights. What kind of a spirit is that? 
Did you know Hubert?  Are you reporting some first hand information here, or gossip that you obtained off the internet?
John S. wrote:
A complete impostor, full of vile and hatred.  A reprobate in the truest sense of the word. 
John, I am truly shocked that you would say something like this.  Hubert was a spiritual father to me.  I guess that does not surprise you. Maybe you think the same thing about me.  Hubert was one of the most loving men I have ever known.  He was anything but full of vile and hatred.  Not even his enemies ever characterized him like this.  He was beat up hundreds of times for preaching Christ, shot, stabbed, you name it.  Hubert was arrested 100 times for preaching Christ and never convicted of a crime.  He always turned the other cheek and loved his neighbor.  Through a broken jaw, he
would tell his attackers that Jesus loved them and he did too.  There were many men who were converted through Hubert's unquenched love for them, and they are preaching the gospel today.
jt: I suppose I should ask Jim Ellsman - do you know if Hubert ever had a meeting with the Pope? I saw that reported also and have to wonder about it.  It seems a bit out of character, but then if he studied under a Rabbi and was into so much legalism - who knows it may be so.

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