I am interested as well.   What DM wrote below specificial and in regard to Lindsey is a  statement of "fact" base entirely upon surmise  --  as near as I can see.  Grahams book book confirms "just about"  everything in Hubmert's testimony but without mention of Hubert by name - but the tyle of preaching by Ham is the same as Lindsey, so he must have been there.  I have no problem admitting I am wrong about this guy, but I really need something that is reliable and verifiable.  If he was acceptable to Catholics as a street preacher.  well, that is more than unusual.  He would deserve the kind of credit and reverence that DM obviously has for this him.  Incidently, there is a host of information about Mordecia Ham on the net  --  absolutely nothing verifiable about the good Doctor.  In fact, the only information about Lindsey I can find wants me to pay for it  --  kind of like the money changers of old.   The only positive information I can find is on a site that supports the Toronto Vineyard Church  --  not a good reference from my point of view (and I am pentecostle). 


In a message dated 5/4/2004 2:21:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David: Assuming this Hubert to have played a formative role in what I've
been reading from you these past weeks(your biblical and theological
statements) perhaps I (we) need to understand more of his life and work.
I've already been told where I may obtain audio so I'll look into it. Lance
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: May 03, 2004 16:58
Subject: [TruthTalk] Holy Hubert Lindsey

>Judy wrote:
>>Hubert Lindsey sounds insane
>No, he was not insane, and never a braver man would you ever meet.
>John S. wrote:
>>Nothing holy about Hubert -- a man who claim
>>to have converted Bill Graham,
>Hubert never said that he personally, single-handedly, converted Billy
>Graham, if that is what you mean.  Hubert was preaching a revival with
>Mordecai Ham, when Billy Graham responded to an altar call for salvation
>at the age of 16.  Do you have some information that would repudiate
>I checked out Hubert's story in Billy Graham's book, "Just As I Am,"
>where Graham tells the whole story of his conversion at these meetings.
>It confirms just about everything in Hubert's testimony about it.  He
>mentions Modecai Ham by name, just as we might expect from Hubert's
>account.  I don't remember Graham mentioning Hubert Lindsey by name in
>his book, but that is not unusual to give only the primary evangelist
>the recognition.  Billy Graham simply subtitles the chapter with,
>"Itinerant Evangelists."  Hubert was one of those evangelists who
>preached this revival with Mordecai Ham where Billy Graham was
>converted.  If you read the account from Graham, it sounds like Hubert's
>style of preaching all the way.  He describes the sermons as being about
>sin, judgment and Hell.  Billy Graham wrote, "What was slowly dawning on
>me during those weeks was the miserable realization that I did not know
>Jesus Christ for myself.  I could not depend on my parents' faith."  At
>the time, Billy Graham was a Presbyterian who had been baptized as an
>infant.  Later, Billy Graham writes, "For all my previous religious
>upbringing and church activity, I believe that that was the moment I
>made my real commitment to Jesus Christ."
>So Hubert spoke the truth about Billy Graham's conversion.  Why do you
>call Hubert a liar?
>John S. wrote:
>>... converted over 40.000 Jews and thousands of
>>hippies and conducted services at a 2000 member
>>church  -- which in fact was his service garage.
>His service garage?  What are you talking about?  I think you are mixing
>up information from various sources.
>Did you know Hubert?  Are you reporting some first hand information
>here, or gossip that you obtained off the internet?
>John S. wrote:
>>A complete impostor, full of vile and hatred.
>>A reprobate in the truest sense of the word.
>John, I am truly shocked that you would say something like this.  Hubert
>was a spiritual father to me.  I guess that does not surprise you.
>Maybe you think the same thing about me.
>Hubert was one of the most loving men I have ever known.  He was
>anything but full of vile and hatred.  Not even his enemies ever
>characterized him like this.  He was beat up hundreds of times for
>preaching Christ, shot, stabbed, you name it.  Hubert was arrested 100
>times for preaching Christ and never convicted of a crime.  He always
>turned the other cheek and loved his neighbor.  Through a broken jaw, he
>would tell his attackers that Jesus loved them and he did too.  There
>were many men who were converted through Hubert's unquenched love for
>them, and they are preaching the gospel today.
>Peace be with you.
>David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

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