From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judyt:An aside re Deut 28,29. I believe some of this has been previously addressed but, would you continue to stone a recalcitrant youth? etc.
Does Jesus' birth,baptism, temptation,  life, death, resurrection, ascension, and ongoing Mediation include the subject at hand whatsoever?
jt: You refer to the Levitical Law which the Church no longer practices; not to say that rebellious youths get away with anything, but God is the one who takes care of it now.  Before they were stoned and killed physically.  Today they are spiritually separated and will be just as dead if they do not repent.  Deuteronomy however, teaches us God's ways - The way to blessing and/or curses has not changed.  People do not want to believe that the iniquity of our ancestors falls on us for so many generations until it is repented of and the curse broken but the evidence is there because our sickness tells off on us.  There is a more excellent way - which is to learn God's Ways and to walk in them.  The alternative is to go through life halt sick, and maimed - some even believe the lie that God did this to them.  Your view of the Mediation of Christ negates the issue of sin.  It is like saying "we see" but the sin remains - so No, this would not include the subject at hand.
From: "Jonathan Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy has made many comments on the link between sin and illness.  I believe her viewpoint to be completely unbiblical and extremely hurtful to those that live with illness regardless of the severity. 
jt: I agree Jonathan that sickness is hurtful and so is sin - it is hurtful to us and everyone around us. Judy is not the one making that connection Jonathan.  Believe it or not it is Biblical. There would be no sickness but for sin and God Himself outlines the blessings that come from obedience and the curses that come through disobedience (which are every sickness and plague that can be named) in Deuteronomy 28 and Deuteronomy 29. Just because noone wants to accept this or talk about it today does not make it invalid.
jonathan: This is an extremely touchy subject for me as I have lived with chronic illness for the last 16 years.  You should see the posts that I have drafted in my head in response.  The reason they have never seen the light of day is because I know it would not be wise to post them.  This is one of my sacred cows. 
jt: Not unusual Jonathan; there is hardly a family alive who has not or is not touched by something chronic, either physically or behaviorally, and that inclues me and mine. I am still dealing with my own stuff but I find denial gets one nowhere.  It's good to agree with God because only the truth will make any of us free - experientially free - not just in theoretically free.

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