On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:01:33 -0400 "Hughes Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Ok a little debunking for ya now.  Context:
18A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
19"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone. 20You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.'[2] "
21"All these I have kept since I was a boy," he said.
So what had the rich ruler kept since he was a boy?  He didn't commit adultery, murder, steal, give false testimony, or dishonor his parents.  Is this a complete summation of the Torah?  Of course it is not.  That he says he kept these specific commandments is all we have.  To say that Jesus does not challenge him as a liar is an argument from silence, worth no salt at all.  So, so far we have a rich ruler who kept some of the Torah, not all of it.
judyt: Jonathan this young ruler came asking Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life didn't he?  And wasn't it Jesus who listed these five commandments?  One of them is giving false testimony. Are you suggesting that he was in Jesus' face claiming never to have lied (false testimony) while he was doing just that? 
No suggestion of this at all.  I do suggest that you are making an argument from silence to prove a point you cannot make.  The Torah is much more than these five commandments.  Would you agree?  We have no evidence that the rich young ruler perfectly abided by the Torah, only that he abided by the five commandments above.  To use one of your mantras, Speak where scripture speaks, be silent where it doesn't. 
jt: This is Terry's mantra but it is a good one; what makes you think this young man didn't keep all of them? In Mark the gospel writer says that "Jesus loved him" which tells me that he must have had a heart for God even though his worldly goods may still have had too much of a hold on it..
Luke 1
6Both of them were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commandments and regulations blamelessly.
Jonathan: So what we have here is the fact that John the Baptist's parents were PRESENT TENSE observing all the Torah.  We have no record that their entire lives were lived blamelessly.  We do have that in their current situation they were obeying the Torah and were considered upright in the eyes of God.  It is wrong to suggest, again from silence, that they had perfectly kept the Torah for their entire lives.
judyt: If they are present tense upright then they were prayed up and keeping short accounts. God calls them blameless so who are you to nitpick?. He is the one who sets the standard and He is the one who inspired Luke 1.  I'm sure glad you are not the Judge.  And what about Paul? He was also blameless concerning the righteousness which is in the law (Phil 3:6) 
God did not call them blameless.  He called them upright and that they observed (present tense Judy) the commandments and regulations blamelessly.  Remember, when you lose this argument you will still be just as worthy of love as before.  You can be wrong and survive.   
judyt: You need to get a Bible taken from the majority text Jonathan; that one says "blameless"
Jonathan: Again let me point out the major disconnect here:  People on TT are arguing to make Christ less than He was!  They are saying that others fulfilled the Torah, not just Jesus!  Any red heresy flags going up?

judyt: What scripture do you base your belief that only Jesus could fulfil the law of Moses and why are you saying that this argument makes Christ less than He was?  Why would God give the people a Law they couldn't keep? Would you give your child a set of standard he couldn't possibly measure up to?  What kind of love is that?  Even if Old Covenant ppl were blameless so far as the Law was concerned they still had to keep the feasts and the day of atonement came every year with all that blood.  No the heresy is in making the claim that Jesus' blood is no different than that of the first Adam which gives him an inheritance in iniquity and makes him less than a spotless lamb.


 John could outline the arguments from Romans and Galatians better than I.  We call this the gospel :)
judyt: If this is your gospel then you need to be able to outline the arguments yourself being instant in season and out of season.
Galatians 3:10-14
judyt: This does not say that nobody (or nobody except Jesus) is able to keep the law but it is telling us why the curse is here and incidentally this is the same curse that is all over the Church, the one that Prov 25 says does not light without a cause....  So how about that?
10All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law."[3] 11Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, "The righteous will live by faith."[4] 12The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, "The man who does these things will live by them."[5] 13Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."[6] 14He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. 
judyt: I'm not arguing that keeping the Law causes anyone to be born again and I am aware that we are no longer born under the law - It's a New Day for those who walk after the Spirit and refuse to yeild to the lust of the flesh.
Oh my.  Does Paul actually say that clearly no one is justified before God by the Torah?  C'mon it can't be! 
judyt: By the time Paul penned Galatians in 56AD or whenever it was the Levitical Law had been nailed to the cross for at least 23 years.. However, we have seen here that some walked blamelessly under the law. Remember Job?  He was a righteous man before any law at all and so was Enoch.
Does he then say that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by actually becoming a curse for us?  That blows the spotless lamb theory out of the water. 
judyt: On the cross Jonathan ON the cross. Wouldn't have been any point in going to begin with if he was unclean or defiled.  Remember that darkness for 3 hours at midday?  Yes He was obedient to take all of our garbage upon Himself so that we could have the opportunity to be free and during that time he was totally separated from the Father for the first time ever- because and for us.
Are spotless lambs curses too?  Heresy would be to say that Christ sinned.  Victory is to say that Jesus was just like us, had a sinful nature, cleansed it from within in a daily walk with the Spirit. 
judyt: The above statement Jonathan tells me that you have no idea just how messed up we are and that you do not understand sin, righteousness, and the judgment to come.
In your revulsion over Christ being just like you, you are sensing how incredible the grace of God is.  If He was not just like me than he didn't save me from sin.  He would be an anemic Christ.  Christ would be in heaven saying, "hey I did it, now you try.  Get on the hamster wheel and start spinning".  That is not the gospel.  Stop fixing your eyes on what you think mankind is capable of and instead fix your eyes on Jesus and what He has already done.  Then rest.
judyt: Yeah right Jonathan.. Nothing to overcome on our part - right?  The enemy just sits down and plays possum while we run in circles like a bunch of nutty hamsters.. Uh Huh!! Sure!!
Would I give my child (Noah) a set of standards he couldn't possibly measure up to?  Of course.  Every parent does.  And every child fails including my own.  I love Noah anyway.  You must ask yourself what the purpose of the law was?  It doesn't put us in a right position with God (it does not justify us).  In the same way whether Noah follows my commandments does not negate the position of son to me, nor my absolute love for him. Jonathan
judyt: You've been reading and daydreaming about  a novel Jonathan. You have no fear of God and not a clue as to his righteous judgment. Just like Israel when they were perishing for lack of knowledge and didn't know their right hand from their left.

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