Jonathan wrote:
He quotes John 1.1 and capitalizes WORD each time.

Notice that he capitalizes WORD not Torah.

Jonathan wrote:
He then states that this capitalized WORD he just
quoted in John 1.1 is BOTH Jesus and Torah.

Right, meaning that he perceives a relationship between THE WORD (the Logos) to both Jesus and Torah. Perhaps you might say that he was equating the WORD to both Jesus and Torah, but I think it is a stretch to say that he was trying to make an exact equality and correspondence between Torah and Jesus.

Let me give you an illustration. If I say that the automobile is both car and Toyota, that would be a true statement without equating car and Toyota. Consider the sentence, "the automobile has been around since 1892." We could not substitute the word "Toyota" for "automobile" in this sentence. I see this kind of set similar to what was being said about the WORD, Yeshua, and Torah. In my illustration, the word automobile corresponds to "the WORD," car corresponds to "Yeshua," and Toyota corresponds to "Torah."

Maybe I had better make a Venn diagram for you after all. Let me know if you think that is necessary.

The point is that I think you are reading too much into what Jeff was trying to say. Maybe I misunderstood Jeff, or maybe Jeff did not articulate well the light shining in his heart, but whatever the situation, I think it is much more helpful to try and reconcile what he is saying with what the rest of us perceive to be true.

Jonathan wrote:
Jeff needs to eat the humble pie and admit he equated Jesus with Torah.

If that is what Jeff was trying to do, then I would agree with you that there is not an exact equivalency. Nevertheless, I'm not sure that you and some others on this forum are understanding the light that Jeff has on this passage. It also might be that Jeff only sees what he is trying to express dimly and is not communicating it very well. Whatever the case, try to think the best of others.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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