Let me give you a few examples of how some terms can be defined....
  • (defined as Torah) -- Deuteronomy 32:46, 17:19, 17:27, 31:12; Exodus 24:7-8; Psalms 78:1, Isaiah 1:10, 2:3; Jeremiah 6:18-19; Zechariah 7:12; Luke 24:44, 5:1, 8:11-12, 8.21; Acts 6:7, 8:25, 12:24, 11:1; Ephesians 6:17; Revelation 1:9, 6:9
  • (defined as Yeshua) -- John 1:1-32, et al; Revelation
  • (defined as Torah) -- Psalms 109.105, Proverbs 6.23, Isaiah 8.20, 51:4, Matthew 5:14-16
  • (as defined asYeshua) -- John 1:8, 1:14 (glory = light/radiance/shechinah), 8:12, 12:46
  • (defined as Torah) -- Deuteronomy 32:46-47
  • (defined as Yeshua) -- John 8:12
  • (defined as Torah) -- Psalms 119:43-44, 119.142, 138:2; Malachi 2:6; 1 Kings 2:3-4; John 8:31-32 (defining freedom as well -- refer to Galatians 5:1 for application), 17:17
  • (defined as Yeshua) -- John 18:37-38
In a bit I would like to post something on grace. I thing you might hate it!!
-- slade
I close with the plead to read three simple passages and at last consider what they say: John 15:10. John 7:16, Isaiah 8:20


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