John S. wrote:
Abraham was willing to have his wife sleep with men of power,
on two different occasions to protect himself.     Faith in God?

It is one thing for you to assign evil motives to me, but it is quite another to ascribe evil motives to men like Abraham and David. Do you not realize that God is reading these e-mails and will hold you accountable? How can you possibly make such harsh judgments on the motives of a righteous man of God. Not only do I not believe you in what you say above, but I consider it bearing false witness against a most noble man of God.

From my perspective, the man who believed God would raise his son from the
dead after he sacrificed him upon the altar is the same man who believed that God would preserve his wife from the hands of evil men. And Abraham received the fruit of his faith, for no man touched his wife. Rather, they returned her in fear of their lives, asking Abraham to pray to God that God would forgive them.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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