Lance wrote:
David: Do you believe any other 'perspective' possible
on the 'incidents' with his wife that might invalidate your
charge against our brother?

I do not bring a charge against John. I only mean to express to him in a clear way how blasphemous his words sound to me. I believe that there exists the possibility that what John said MIGHT be true, but I consider it HIGHLY unlikely. I suppose I would not have reacted so strongly, except this came on the heels of his statement about David's arrogance. It just seems to me that John is much too free to condemn these mighty men of God. I tremble for John. I would not want to be in his shoes on judgment day because I know that God stands up for and defends men who have been faithful to him. If God was going to slay Abimelech for taking Sarah in the integrity of his heart, how much more angry do you suppose God would be toward those who would accuse Abraham as being willing to have men of power sleep with his wife in order to protect himself. Our words are important and powerful and we will be judged for them. If we condemn someone, we had better be right. Generally speaking, it is a good idea not to condemn others because we are in such a need of mercy ourselves. We also should consider whether or not we search out the weaknesses of righteous men in order to justify our own selves. That would not be a good motive. I have heard many preachers spend hours speaking about the sin of some great man, and for what cause? So that they can say, "look, he is a sinner just like me, so we are alike and God likes me just like he likes that man, in spite of my sin." Such thinking does not work the righteousness of God.

Lance wrote:
Also, due to the 'authority' implicit in your speech, I feel
the need to ask whether you speak here as a Prophet
of God or, as a man of God offering a 'perspective' which
may be incorrect.

I am not speaking for the Lord on this, but only speaking from my own judgment as I have liberty in Christ to do. I relate to Abraham very much and think I have an understanding of what happened with him. John Smithson spoke authoritatively, saying that Abraham was willing to have his wife sleep with men of power in order to protect himself. Unbelievable. I'm sure the Lord God Almighty will "play the tape" so-to-speak, and show John what Abraham was doing when men were trying to take his wife away from him. John will be embarassed and have to apologize profusely to Abraham.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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