----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

Thank you for sharing your life story along with the photo of yourself and your  lovely family - even the dog looks to be special, what breed is he/she? 
"Paul" is a dry-mouthed Saint Bernard. Hence he is a purebred, going back to a breeding between a Great Perinese and a wet-mouthed, saggy-eyed Saint Bernard. He is ten years old and holding strong, about two years over the life expectancy of a wet-mouth. He weighs in the neighborhood of 180 pounds. He is the best, dumbest dog I've ever had. He wants to be obedient, but always misses the point; for example, he got real bad about jumping out of my pick-up every time I went to town. One day he jumped out and I took off on foot trying to catch him. Well, he was on the scent of a trail and ignored my attempts to gain his attention. After about a mile of chasing him through people's yards and down their alleys, I caught him and gave him a fairly significant chewing out and a couple kicks to the butt. When we got to the pick up I told him to get in there and stay and never jump out of my pick up again. But he misunderstood me. From that day on he has refused to jump into the back of my truck. O he still wants to ride along, don't get me wrong, but instead of jumping in the back like he used to, he puts his paws on the tailgate and looks at me and barks. If I am going to take him along I have to grab his rearend and hoist him up into the box. Did he learn to quit jumping out? No, I have to chain him up, once I get him in. O but he loves it and is so happy because thinks he's making me happy. What a stupid, good dog he is!
Now if I could only join the adoring throng at your 'theological feet' .. we might have a semblance of unity on TT but I don't believe we would be unified around the truth of God's Word.
No one needs to feel compelled to sit at my feet, Judy. Nor do I think any are -- just a couple complements from some good friends and brothers in Christ.
I'm still trying to figure how you have one dimensionalized God the Father and following the incarnation God the Son then make it sound so good. 
Well, I do not believe I have "one dimensionalized God the Father." And following the incarnation of God the Son IS as good as it sounds. I invite you to follow along and experience him with us :>)
I would call John's inner tension a problem with anxiety and a red flag which indicates  there is a problem.  How do you figure this is part of the 'normal Christian life?'  Grace and Peace, Judyt
Any time we replace old beliefs with new ones there is the potential of inner tension, a trickle-down effect which takes place as other, yet unchanged beliefs are challenged by the new. This I believe is what John is experiencing/expressing. Hence it does not necessarily have anything to do with some sort of God-sent anxiety on John's behalf, nor need it be interpreted as "red flags" by you; it is just the normal process Christians go through when taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 06:24:18 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Certainly not by me. I've been enjoying your posts and the inner-tension you are describing and working through. It seems to me that that is how we come to know what we believe. It's not fun or enjoyable for the one going through it, but it does appear to be a necessary step in the process of commitment. The apostles certainly did their share of it throughout their earthly encounter with the man from Nazareth.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

It is 11:30 my time.   The post below has 9:17 PM for the time sent  --   something I wrote and sent around 7:30, in fact. I have missed a number of posts, entirely, based upon the fact that I have come across a number of posts copied over which were never received  --  but there they are in your (you all) posts.   Problem.   Also     -------------   have I been shunned, as they say? 


In a message dated 1/5/2005 9:17:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj: Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me
Date: 1/5/2005 9:17:53 PM Pacific Standard Time
Reply-to: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent from the Internet

In a message dated 1/5/2005 9:23:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I, for one, have no problem in 'gilding the lily'. Mr. Taylor, how I do wish to hear more from you on TT. Everyone not included in this remark please feel free to take a 'shot' at me but, there is but one bona fide theologian on TT.

INCOMING   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are times, during each day ( I think) that you sit at arms length from another very good choice.  I have learned much from Jonathan and his ability to express his belief is commensurate of Bill's.   I seldom acknowledge Jon's post, but I am one of the first to defend them  ------   proving that they are read and well received (by me.)  There are others, of course, who offer their ideas in a way that are beneficial.  

Bill knows this from me, but the strength of his expressed faith is his ability to communicate that faith in full view of the biblical message and have it make sense.   I personally think BillyT needs to complete his PhD and teach  ------   seminary, of course.   We have all heard of a man's man  --   Bill could very well become a teacher's teacher.  



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