In a message dated 1/6/2005 8:33:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Certainly not by me. I've been enjoying your posts and the inner-tension you are describing and working through. It seems to me that that is how we come to know what we believe. It's not fun or enjoyable for the one going through it, but it does appear to be a necessary step in the process of commitment. The apostles certainly did their share of it throughout their earthly encounter with the man from Nazareth.


As you might expect,  I am one who not only speaks as if he knows what he is talking about,  I actually enjoy knowing that which I believe. This business about Sonship, in spite of the fact that Izzy sees no point in this discussion (not that that is a bad thing) is important,  as I am beginning to see,  and the testament to that importance  --   not fully understood by me  ---  is complicated.  I just re-read my post looking for those pesty grammatical issues and spelling,  and I am not sure this last sentense catches what I meanto say.   The testamt to the importance of this Sonship issue is found in the complication of the teaching    ------------    it seems to effect nearly all that I believe.   

I am not trying to learn the right things to say in answer to questioning  --    I am trying to learn the "right" thing to believe.    If I have that, I can figure out the answers.  Especailly on this matter  --   your statements even critical.   Thanks for your continue participation



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