On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 08:31:07 -0500 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
A dead baby may not be your problem, Judy, but it's many people's rather traumatic problem. People wonder where their family members GO...especially their children.... when they die. Death is a very real problem most of us have to deal with at one time or another. The death of a child is probably a pain so great that I can't even imagine it.
jt: True Kay but what point is there in borrowing trouble. I trust the Lord to give me the grace to deal with it if and when the time comes.
I understand that people question these things. My own mother has been asking why my sister was taken at 60yrs for the past 16yrs and she just had her 99th birthday. However, if you told her the truth she wouldn't receive it.  Yes the pain is great but pulling a rabbit out of a hat to make them feel better is no long term solution.
John is simply saying babies aren't accountable. Haven't you ever had a friend who miscarried or lost their baby to being stillborn, or died from SIDS, hit by a drunk driver, or from their immunizations? Haven't you known a family whose child died in an accident? Catholics would tell you the child goes to some in-between place unless the infant has been baptized.
jt: I have miscarried myself and yes, I know how that is but John does not know everything and it's OK to be honest and admit it.
We don't have to know everything, but we can certainly have some tools to be an encouragement to others so we may minister to them in empathy and love. If a young mother just had a miscarriage, or had a baby stillborn, would you say to her.....Gee, your dead baby isn't my problem? I have a heavenly father whose nature is love...... What if that young mother was a non-Believer? What do you think she would think/feel about a God who is love?  Kay
jt: Of course I wouldn't say that to someone who is grieving Kay but neither would I give them false hope. I see it as an opportunity to encourage them to seek God's answers in His Word for themselves.  Too many people look to others for all the answers. Helping and encouraging them is one thing.....

jt: JOHN a dead baby is not my problem. I have a Heavenly Father whose nature and character is love and so I
leave all those kinds of  problems with Him cause I don't have to know everything. However, what about the babies of the Amorites and these other nations God was so disgusted with? I mean the ones where Israel was told not to let even one animal live?
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 20:50:27 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 1/10/2005 11:42:20 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think....correct me if I'm wrong, John....
that John is saying that a child is "saved" when he is born. A newborn is not cast into hell because he wasn't "born again". A child who dies goes to heaven...until he is of the age of accountability and makes his decision...either for God and "heavenbound", or against God and "hellbound".

Interesting and close to what I do believe.  
Judy  -  is a dead baby going to heaven or hell.  I am sure your theology allows for such  --   just interested in how that happens. 



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