John wrote:
> When Paul speaks of the sin of Adam and our
> relation to that, let's not forget 5:12.   We are
> complicit with Adam because we, ALSO,
> have sinned.

True enough.  I think we all agree with this.  However, the issue raised by 
Bill was that their transgressions are not reckoned to them until that time 
that they have both a cognitive and moral awareness of the law.  It was said 
that if they don't have an understanding of why their transgressions are 
sinful, then their transgressions are not reckoned to them.

If this were true, why then the argument by Paul that men were condemned 
even though their sin was not like Adam's sin?  And how was it not like 
Adam's sin?  They had no knowledge that they were sinning.  Yet, they 
continued to die.  Why?  Because Adam's sin was imputed to them, and they 
all sinnned.  They continued to sin in ignorance, yet they still suffered 
condemnation.  One transgression resulted in condemnation to all men (Rom. 

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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