OH NO your self image cropped up again
Attempted manipulation of feelings can not pass for an answer.
Stop yer yellin & screamin
The Prerequisite for christian UNITY is Membership

2 CO 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be IN the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

In a message dated 2/12/2005 7:33:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

First off I am not a Church of Christ Cultist

Actually, I see very little difference between your cultish behavior and that of the C of C  --  southern division.

Unity is not arrived at by Cult or Evangelical consensus!  Great  -- I agree.   So how is its arrival varified?  Now be careful , here.   You are getting a second chance from the Smithmeister.   If you answer correctly,  the Meister will not have to resort to the "list attack."   We all know how impotent your defense was the first time around.   What is the basis for Christian fellowship? 
As far as a list like I said very simple learned it in Sunday school ( I can have my Sunday chool teacher come over to help you.)
The B I B L E now thats the list for me, I stand alone on the word of God the B I B L E !
Of course you won't accept this, you want me to tell you which particular vitamins are important. They are ALL important. Gods book is not pick &choose You need all of it. The readers Digest version won't do NASB won't do the scholars have excised whole verses out of it. A diet without all the building blocks leaves one sick!  Are you writing this or are you just wondering around in your room talking to yourself?
Jesus Loves me this I know for the BIBLE tells me so!
Throughly furnished with God's word! Do not need a "scholarly" brain drain. Well, you have certainly proven this point  --   and a fine testimony to anti-intellectualism you are.   I mean, after listening to you for, ooooooooh, a couple of minutes,  one not only sees little value in Continuation Schooling, one sees little point is bullhorn discussions.   We have a Continuation School over by the High School.  They make things so complex, but then again if we want to really know what partake means they can tell us. So profound partake means partake.  You know, Kev, when I was growing up, nearly all my Sunday School teachers were like you.   I would ask, "What does [such and such passage mean]?" and they would say,  "It speaks for itself."   The reason why they did this  --  I found out after becoming a [real] man  --  was THEY DID NOT KNOW WHAT THE PASSAGE MEANT.   You have come back to this discussion group, but not to discuss --  only to yell and scream your admittedly uneducated tripe and hope that you "save" someone.   Your plan is right on schedule.  We all feel closer to the Lord because of your efforts.  Do I hear a group "amen?"   
1 Co 1 :10  Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Easy to quote scripture, isn't it?  In the above, are the brethren currently speaking the same things?   Are there currently [at the time of the writing] no divisions?  When Paul encourages for a unity based on "the same mind and .... the same judgment,"  do you think that I am against such?   The II Tim passage  --  is there some reason why you quoted this passage?  

BIBLE BIBLE BIBLE so the Man of god may be PERFECT and Throughly Furnished

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