Pure word of God is what I hold in my hands. AV1611
I did not intend  to change heresy to heresies just a typo as you know i make a lot o them!
I fervently resist because I was enlightened to the fact that I have the very words of God in my hand. Those that want to deny such have an agenda. If it says heresy then heresy it is. My God was very capable of using the word heresy or the word sect. He was active in its transmission & translation. Anyone that thinks God is capable of creating ALL complexities of the things & laws of the universe but is incapable of Preserving His word and presenting His word to me in my hand in Black & White is ready for the funny farm
I do not have to worry that the Greek says or the originals (which do not exist anywhere) say
The very word of God says in my language that I can understand so that I can do it!
If we can not trust the book then we of all people are most miserable.
My very salvation depends on the words of life written down in that book. I have a sure word not a almost perfect book.
It is like a contract
2 Peter 2 voice which came from heaven we heard
More sure than even the Voice of God speaking to me. (eg Joe's sacred GROVE adventure)
In what way? Did he say this or did he say that? People use contracts for this very purpose. God has provided His words in Written form so there is no controversy what it says.
Someone once said something to the effect of: it is not the things in the bible I do not understand that I have a problem with, it is the things I do understand
More sure than witnessing His Majesty on the mount.
eyewitnesses of his majesty
Now Joe could say whatever he wants How do we know it is true by word of mouth? We need it written down. When someone adds a zero to a contract that is a bad thing. when we add words or subtract words it is bad. DON'T MESS WITH THE CONTRACT!
These words bear the signature of God. if I told you I had a Million dollar check written out to you. What is the first thing you would do before going to the bank? I would check the signature! If it is Bill Gates your doin fine if it is KD OH OH!
This book is more sure than SEEING or HEARING! We have the words not the message of God.

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them:

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin wrote:
> Aw c'mon try eisegesis NOT "eisogesis"
> It is Anglicized as Isogesis or for the greekettes
> eisegesis Please use the correct spelling if you
> are going to try to correct someones spelling
> Etymology: Greek eis into (akin to Greek en in)

LOL. Well, Kevin, I knew you didn't like Greek, so I was trying to use a
popular Anglican spelling for you. :-)

Kevin wrote:
> You did change the PURE words of God
> from "Damnable heresy" to "Damnable Factions"
> On What Authority, are you a translator as well
> as a prophet?

Please define "PURE words of God." Is the King James Version the PURE words
of God? If so, which version? Did you change the PURE words of God when
you wrote above "Damnable heresy" instead of "damnable heresies"?

I did not change anything. I was trying to help you see that the word
"heresies" as inspired and written by the Holy Ghost is meant to convey the
idea of factions. Why do you so fervently resist this understanding?

I believe that we each have authority from God to read his word and
interpret its meaning, whether that means going to the original languages or
not. One does not need to know Greek to arrive at what I have been saying.
One only needs the Spirit of God to enlighten his mind.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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