----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Eternal Judgment

> John wrote:
> > ... will be the first to admit that even he
> > does not insist upon the mean old judge
> > to the exclusion of the "heavenly father."
> > Hansen is not confusing these concepts.
> > God can be the perfect Father AND the
> > perfect "judge" all at the same time, can
> > He not?
David Miller responds:

> Of course he can.  He IS the perfect Father and perfect Judge.  The problem
> with Mormonism, Dave Hansen, and the rest of you who believe that God saves
> almost everyone is that you deny the doctrine of Christ which clearly
> teaches us that few find life (Mat. 7:14).  It is a wicked heart which seeks
> to justify the world in their sin. 
The Smithmeister responds: I will once again pretend I am on a discussion group rather than a David Miller "judgment for free" me the slave and you the Master with the whip site' 
 Any parent who would not send their
> wicked son to the damnation of hell would be a wicked parent.  Why do you
> think Jesus taught us the following?
Do a couple of things for me,  David: stop reproducing,  adopt out the remainder of all your children currently living at home   -----   send them to a Florida county agency where they soon will be  lost to all official accounting but, hey,   they should be safe from your god and the eternal damnation of a loving parent.  Oh,  and start drinking/   It should loosen you up a bit. 
This parent thing, David  ----   probably one of the most ridiculous statements of all time.   Profoundly misinformed in terms of biblical content.  Let's consider the fact that you have taken a wonderfully worded post and used its presentation to change the point discussion,  moving all of us from one of the most profoundly stated replies to one of the poorest conclusions of the recent past  -------    and I speak of the past 10,000 years or so.  I could go out on the street and open your statement to examination.   How many of a thousand or so respondents would  you to think might agree with you.  Now, where this redundancy might seem of no consequence to you,  the point is a simple one:  there is no evangelical appeal to your gospel  ---   it is not good news and is, in deed,  false on its face.   Perhaps I will have time this weekend to make a formal reply.   Until then, I trust there will be informed debate on this point.    If you want to discuss the notion of salvation at the hands of a Triune God,  that would be wonderful.   You might try reading up on the doctrine before making further comment, however.   You are among some are informed and well dentured.  Let's have a discussion, Miller, without the judgmentalism.  I can can my sarcasm and you can stop playing God,

> Luke 14:25-27
> (25) And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto
> them,
> (26) If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife,
> and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he
> cannot be my disciple.
> (27) And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my
> disciple.
> These are sobering thoughts, but they define righteousness for us through
> the revelation of Jesus Christ.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David Miller
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:19 PM
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: [TruthTalk] Eternal Judgment

DaveH wrote:
> In my opinion, God is quintessentially the ultimate
> parent.  For him to do something contrary to what
> a parent would do....defies my perception of the
> Lord's love and mercy.
Here's Johnny  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Still in Colorado and looking to both the
question (MR. G)  and the response (brother Dave's)
And looking stunned at just how remarkable both were.   Hat's off to you

The problem here is that you are creating God in your own image, not
realizing your fallen state.  In theology, this is called anthropomorphism.

I have a rather profound question to ask, myself.   What is the theological
word for B. S ?  Is it possible that Dave's response is based on the fact
that God, Himself, is using our language and our conceptualizations to
communicate some of what could not be understood otherwise.   If God is
perfect AND the Father  --  suddenly, we know a lot about this larger than
life personality ...... The Perfect Father.   No one on his forum can fail
to imagine (brother Lance) an accurate description of the perfect Dad ...
no one.  It is God who uses this "anthropomorphism.," not us.    It is ours
only to read and imagine.

We need to consider God's revelation of himself and not be tempted to cast
God in our own image.  What person among us would destroy the whole earth
with a flood?  What parent among us would craft a law which commands parents
to stone their children who were rebellious and incorrigible?  The issue of
eternal judgment can only be answered by God and his revelation of himself,
not by our own imaginations of what we would like God to be.
Shirely, the author of the above will be the first to admit that even he
does not insist upon the mean old judge to the exclusion of the "heavenly
father."  Hansen is not confusing these concepts.   God can be the perfect
Father AND the perfect "judge" all at the same time, can He not?
The Bishop
With a single shot as he passes through the flat and windy plains of Eastern
Colorado.   Hi G.


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