Forgive me JD, I didn't intend it as an attack and yes this is an important issue.  I guess I don't think along the
same lines as you.  I'm not all the time thinking saved/lost, saved/lost because by faith I believe the Lord is able
to complete what He has started in me.  I don't judge all fat ppl as gluttonous, I think we should learn better
than that from Job's Comforters; God was angry with them for judging that situation when they were ignorant
of the reality behind the reality they saw and this is the way of the world.  However it was not Jesus' example.
He didn't judge by what His eyes saw or what His ears heard; he judged with righteous judgment and he has
left us the same example to follow....  Like Caroline (in this) I believe there are many and varied reasons why
ppl have weight issues from genetics to depression and everything in between.  Gluttony OTOH is riotous
living - living to eat rather than eating to live.  Hope you are enjoying your nap JD :)  judyt
On Sun, 15 May 2005 16:36:54 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Judy  --   why the attack?   We are discussing a very important issue.   Let's just stick to that and avoid personal judgments about the other.   I asked a series of questions.  I would like an answer.   When you mention an "attitude of heart,"  are y ou saying that some gluttons are lost and others are "saved,"depending upon their attitude? 

From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why was I naive enough to think you were asking an honest question JD; I should have known I was being
set up and that you had this hidden agenda... Who said a "glutton" is saved and a "confessing pervert" lost??
Certainly not me.  What both Terry and I said is that all fat ppl are not gluttons.  Read the scriptures and you
will find that gluttony and drunkenness and surfeiting are an attitude of the heart.  It is walking after the flesh.
If you want to go around judging every fat person - then that is another area of sin.
As for my beliefs - you know nothing about them.  What you think you know stems from your bad experiences in
the past which you equate with legalism, works faith and some such convoluted system; these are your issues JD.
They have nothing at all to do with me.  jt
On Sun, 15 May 2005 12:08:41 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
For the most part, we are fat because we consume too many calories.   Call it gluttony; call it over-eating.   It damages the "temple of God."   Why is this person "saved" and the confessing "pervert" lost?    Sins of omission will send us to hell, under your gospel.   How many minutes can I sit watching TV while not, at the same time,  preaching to the lost?   I collect 1:18 model cars.   I just spent $250 on a 1955 Mercedes with something like 3600 individual parts  -----   going to hell until I repent, take the car back and give the money to the local church or a needy ministry or a needy person? 

From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As Terry said - all fat ppl are not gluttons but if you are concerned or interested here's a Bible Study:
Gluttony & Drunkenness seem to go together like siamese twins (as an attitude of the heart) and under the Old
Covenant they they were cause for a rebellious son who would not listen to be stoned (Deuteronomy 21:20)
These two are also mentioned in tandem in Proverbs 23:20
Isaiah 5:21,22
Luke 21:34,35
Romans 13:13,14
Ephesians 5:18,19
On Sun, 15 May 2005 10:56:15 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Is gluttony a sin? 
From: Terry Clifton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just as with a rich man, all things  are possible in Christ.

Are fat Christians save

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