Mk 11:26 omission.   A parallel passage is found in Matt 6:14-15.   Apparently there is not good mss evidence for the passage in Mk 11.  None of this bothers me , Dave.
DAVEH:  I appreciate your explanation, John.....thanx.
  It would bother me if I had a book as important as the Bible without the kind of evidence that does exist   -   as you probably know, the most witnessed book in history.   I do not believe in revelation that is something other than personal.
DAVEH:  May I assume that means you believe the heavens were sealed sometime in the early first few centuries?  Is there Biblical support that you would offer to support your position on this?
  I do not believe in the continued appointment of apostles,
DAVEH:   Yet isn't that what happened in the early years....witness Paul & Barnabas?
  if we are using that word in the same vein as the "12."  So  -  there is much that remains, not the lest of which is the ancient message.   I have yet to see any accepted doctrine effected by textual problems.   I am sure we disagree on much of what I have said above  ---    Why are you concerned by such an "omission?"
DAVEH:    I've been criticized for my belief in the Bible as far as it is translated correctly.  Yet it seems there is a vast difference between some translations.  Why some folks would be bothered by my comment seems strange when one looks at some of the differences between the various translations.

    Just a few days ago, somebody who didn't know me other than I am LDS suggested I read the last few paragraphs of the Bible, trying to get me to realize that one should not add to or subtract from the Word of God.  (In fact, I think Izzy has made similar remarks in the past here on TT.)  I wonder if folks who think like that are bothered when some versions remove entire passages. 

Dave Hansen
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