John wrote:
> I should have said it this way:  the law is no longer
> the standard by which we are judged.  The Spirit is
> that standard in Christ.   We are judged in Christ.

I agree with Judy that Scripture does not appear to support this viewpoint, 
but even if you were right, where are you going with this?  Are you thinking 
that the standard of the Spirit is lower than than the standard of the law? 
I have the perspective that the standard of the Spirit is higher than the 
standard of the law when I read Mat. 5.

John wrote:
> This passage [John 12:48] cannot be used
> to mean the re establishment of the rule of law.

You presume that the law has been done away with when you use the word 
"re-establish."  Where does the Bible teach that the law has been 
"unestablished" or "abolished"?

John wrote:
> Why? there is just so much in scripture
> that opposes such a conclusion.

Then it should be easy for you to post just one passage of Scripture that 
would be your strongest argument to say that John 12:48 has been done away 
with and is no longer true.

John wrote:
> If we are to be judged by law, there would
> be no point in the coming of Christ.

The point would be what we read in Romans 2:5-16, that those in Christ will 
walk as Christ, who kept the law.  They will be as Paul describes, "when 
Gentiles who do not have the law do instinctively the things of the Law ... 
they show the work of the Law written in their hearts..." (Rom. 2:14-15 

Gentiles who instinctively keep the law because it is written on their 
hearts have nothing to fear about being judged by anything in the law.  We 
are actually judged by a man, Christ Jesus, rather than a book of laws, but 
that book of laws helps us understand the standard by which Jesus Christ 
will judge us.

John wrote:
> ... we should always guard against becoming
> puff up because of what we know.   And the
> "truth" we know,  I think will "puff" us up
> quicker than anything because such knowledge
> actually works !!

A worthwhile caveat that all students of Scripture need to keep before them. 
This is another example of those many areas in which we agree completely.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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