Bill you also wrote:
Neither of you seem to "get it" that "spiritual death" is not biblical language; it is a doctrine which speaks to biblical concepts; it is a synthesis, a conclusion. You have picked up on the language of this doctrine, but the concepts that it represents are treated differently by you than by those who adhere to the classic doctrine.
jt: So Bill, you can't see scripture clearly because you are locked into Augustine above and then later you write
Bill: Do you mean that their spirits are literally dead? If so, then how can they, of their own free will, choose to serve God? Wouldn't the spiritual aspect of their beings have to be regenerated before that choice could be made? In other words, how could a dead spirit choose to become a live spirit, one which could respond to God in service to him?
jt: You do not understand this concept in a biblical way Bill, to do so you will have to dispense with Augustinian and Calvinistic eyeglasses
Do you see that you claim metaphor in the discussion on Luke 9:60 and then go on to talk about Calvin's corpse concept and not having a choice (which is "literal" taken to the extreme) rather than the metaphor. 
Can you see how doctrinal understandings that come from men are contradictory and cause confusion? 
Much better to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal God's Word and give us understanding.  That way we don't have to cut anything out and it is not complicated.  Really.....

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