Urim and Thummim

Was just a SEER STONE as J Fielding Smith said

God does not take lightly the mixing of truth with Error or the Holy with PROFANE!
EZ 22:26 Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.

In a message dated 7/27/2005 2:19:16 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Did Jesus carry SEER STONES?
How about the Apostles?
John the Baptist?
The problem is not how skilled one is with these tools of the trade but that God condemned them!
What did Joe use the Jupiter Talisman for? ** Blainer:  Unknown--he never said.
Blainerb:  The OT has several references to the Urim and Thummim, the "talismans" used by the High Priest to communicate with God.  The shewbread were also talismans of sorts.  Also, the Rod of Aaron, placed inside the Ark of the Covenant, was in effect a talisman.  In fact, the Ark itself was basically a talisman--whenever it was carried into war, it was thought to be a protection against  being defeated.  When the enemies of Israel got hold of it, they were afflicted with sore diseases.  Etc, etc, etc.  Was this all magic?  It was the power of God operating though the principal of faith.  Joseph Smith's hanker chef, by the way, healed several persons of  disease, simply because they had faith in him and anything associated with him.  The same sort of situation when the woman touched the savior's robe and was healed. 

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