John wrote:
> But don't you see that if we regard gluttony
> and homosexuality the same,  we cannot
> order anyone out of our churches?   Where
> would we be if sinners were actually allowed
> and even encouraged to attend?

If a person in the church professing to be a brother in Christ believed that 
he had a civil right to be a glutton, and that people in the church were 
wrong to consider gluttony a sin, then that person should be put out of the 
church.  I a fellow believer was promoting gluttony through advocacy in the 
church, that person should be rebuked, and if he did believe that he needed 
to repent of such, he should be put out of the church.

This is not about treating one sin different from another.   It is about a 
great deception concerning the sinfulness of homosexuality.  It is about a 
false stereotype toward those who teach sound doctrine.  It is about bigotry 
against those who embrace the apostle's doctrrine.

David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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