On 14 Feb 23:10, Marco Huymajer wrote:
> Yes, Tryton really needs some improvements when it comes to printing and
> reporting.  One improvement would be to use the standard GTK dialog for
> printing but I don't know if this works on all platforms.

GTK Print Dialog is not an option except if you are ready to write a
full odt or pdf (or whatever format) cairo render in the Tryton client.

> I think there are two types of "object-bound" reports: 
> 1. One that generates one single report out of the objects the report is
> run on, e.g. the label report on parties.
> 2. One that generates one report for every object, e.g. invoices.  This is
> necessary because LibreOffice can't restart the page numbering and maybe
> other issues.

This is not the issue. The issue is that it will require for relatorio
to generate new styles which could probably possible in editing directly
the XML.

> The problem with the pure client side solution is that it doesn't solve
> the problem of having one single PDF for a "type 2 report".

Why restricting to PDF?

> Further more
> the client side solution will not work in Sao.

What do you say that?

> I believe that the two use
> cases are getting more important over the time as more offices try to work
> paperless or migrate to Sao.

There is only styling issue. At the TUB, we talked about creating a
zipfile containing each report, the client will just open the
directory with all the documents and the user will be able to request to
his OS to print all the file at once.

Only invoice is affected and it is not directly because of the styling
issue but because we need to store individualy each invoice in the
database to be able to send it back later.

There is also a minor design error in Tryton with the company
header/footer because they can not be translated and they could break
the formating of the document. The plan is to remove this option and let
each report manage his own header/footer (by the way header/footer are
managed in the style).

> My suggestion would be to have a generic solution: If the user selects
> multiple objects of a "type 2 report", inform the user that this can only be
> done in PDF-format, convert every report to a PDF document (with unoconv),

I don't want Tryton depends on unoconv.

> server-side merge the PDFs into one single PDF and send it to the client.
> That would solve the problems above and has the advantage of being platform
> independent and reusing all the printing options of the PDF viewer/printer
> driver, like two-sided printing, scaling, rotating, color adjustments,
> sorting etc.

All of that can be done with other format because it only depends of
your viewer.

Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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