> [thoughts on how to implement DatabaseObjectBuilder deleted]

It looks like you're a lot further along in thinking about/implementing
this than I am. :)

> Here's some of the issues we face in doing this:  
> * Dealing with the small differences in schema between databases.
> * What's the best way to initially populate the TableMaps - from schema
> or an XML file.?

I'd prefer to use an XML file to describe the database, and have
DatabaseObjectBuilder generate the MapBuilders, Peers, DOs, AND a script that
will create the database for a particular DBMS. It seems to me that this will
make it a lot easier for those of us that typically develop for one database,
and then move to another database in production.

Would http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/NOTE-XML-data-0105/ be useful? Note that this
has not been adopted as a recommendation by the w3c; it's merely a note (and
an old one at that).

> * Should we use templates or just println()?

I'd prefer to use templates as well. I don't know a lot about the various
template engines that are available; perhaps there are some that would be more
well-suited for generation of java source in general instead of servlets that
output HTML?

> My main reason for this lengthy e-mail is that I don't want to devote a
> lot of time to a tool that's only useful to a portion of Turbine users
> ( for example MySQL ). I feel if we spend this much time on it, it
> needs to be done right so it doesn't end up hidden down in the utils
> directory where the average user won't find it and use it.

I'm very interested in this. Unfortunately, I have not had the time to devote
to it lately. I hope that I will be able to work a little on it in the near


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