On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 09:26:42PM -0500, dave bryson wrote:
> Using WM templates for the DB related code would work, however there's a
> lot of issues with things such as semi-colons, braces, and dots ( such
> as myclass.peer ) that cause problems in WM templates.

That sucks. You can switch off the braces can't you? And semi-colons and
dots should only have meaning in the relevant context.

Perhaps WMParser could be improved in this regard, rather than writing a
new parser. Or we could copy WMParser and hack it a little to make sure
it deals better with the non-magic usage of these chars (or looks for
different characters, but it would be nice to keep the syntax

> But I still believe the template path is the
> way to go and am relunctant to spend more time on the out.println()
> stuff knowing that templates would be better in the long run.

Yes, I agree. I'm having a glance over the relevant webmacro code now to
see if I can see ways it could be improved.

> Ideally, i think this tool should have a GUI for graphically
> creating the classes.

Oh yes! That would be great.
> Here's some of the issues we face in doing this:  
> * Dealing with the small differences in schema between databases.
> * What's the best way to initially populate the TableMaps - from schema
> or an XML file.?

I agree with Greg that from XML is more db-independent. Also XML is a
good basis for looking at a GUI editor, start from a generic XML editor
and customise perhaps?

Or what about making the GUI tool a turbine app? Okay so HTML's not
so great for graphic manipulation, but imagine being able to manage your
data model through a remote web interface!

> * Should we use templates or just println()?

Ideally these WM issues should be sorted out, it might be a useful
contribution back to WM as well is Justin sees it being used for more
general text processing applications.

println() wouldn't be the end of the world though...

> I feel if we spend this much time on it, it
> needs to be done right so it doesn't end up hidden down in the utils
> directory where the average user won't find it and use it.

Absolutely agreed.

Sean Legassick

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