on 6/5/2000 7:26 PM, dave bryson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Here's some of the issues we face in doing this:
> * Dealing with the small differences in schema between databases.
> * What's the best way to initially populate the TableMaps - from schema
> or an XML file.?
> * Should we use templates or just println()?
> My main reason for this lengthy e-mail is that I don't want to devote a
> lot of time to a tool that's only useful to a portion of Turbine users
> ( for example MySQL ). I feel if we spend this much time on it, it
> needs to be done right so it doesn't end up hidden down in the utils
> directory where the average user won't find it and use it.

This tool is needed. It needs to be brain dead easy to use. A GUI is not
necessary, but it should be easy to run from Ant. It should use templates. I
think that the TableMaps should be populated from the Schema. The reason is
that XML is not the end all solution for everything. Most people use tools
that generate a Schema, not an XML file. The people who are not even using
those tools generally just generate a Schema themselves by hand, not an XML

dave, keep going the direction you were going. it is the right direction.


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