I'm sorry it's been so slow on my part. I'm finally catching up, and
getting back to work. Hopefully, I'll finish the ML tonight, and get back
to work on the docs and tickets tomorrow night. However, there is one tool
I have to mention in response, as it's one that's been a part of the
release process. In fact, I might make it a key feature in a section about
doing maintenance (in the book).

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 4:38 AM, Alessandro Molina <
alessandro.mol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Apart from changing the TurboGears package version, they still would
> have to check one by one
> all the various packages that are injected inside their setup.py as a
> consequence of using TG
> and set them to the right version required by the new TG release.

The tool is called "yolk", and can be found at
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/yolk . It searches your virtualenv's site
packages, and shows you which packages have newer versions available. From
there, you can make the choice as to which ones to upgrade.

As for TurboGears itself, we already specify the versions and indexes. I'd
prefer to maintain that properly, possibly using upper bounds as well as
lower bounds, to improve what we tell our users to do.

Michael J. Pedersen
My Online Resume: http://www.icelus.org/ -- Google+ http://plus.ly/pedersen
Google Talk: m.peder...@icelus.org -- Twitter: pedersentg

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