On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 5:38 AM, Alessandro Molina <
alessandro.mol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The issue is that as a TG user I'm not expected to know with which
> versions the framework will work.

And yet, we come back around to the original problem: We either lock in
specific versions (which fails to allow people to upgrade packages when
they would work), or we put upper bound limits (which produces the same
problem), or we get our testing framework up to snuff and tell people how
to upgrade and test.

The last option is the only one I, personally, consider viable.

Michael J. Pedersen
My Online Resume: http://www.icelus.org/ -- Google+ http://plus.ly/pedersen
Google Talk: m.peder...@icelus.org -- Twitter: pedersentg

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