On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 4:18 AM, Michael Pedersen <m.peder...@icelus.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 5:38 AM, Alessandro Molina
> <alessandro.mol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The issue is that as a TG user I'm not expected to know with which
>> versions the framework will work.
> And yet, we come back around to the original problem: We either lock in
> specific versions (which fails to allow people to upgrade packages when they
> would work), or we put upper bound limits (which produces the same problem),
> or we get our testing framework up to snuff and tell people how to upgrade
> and test.
> The last option is the only one I, personally, consider viable.

Shortened private index urls are an acceptable solution when setting
up a new environment, what we are still missing is a quick way to
setup the environment for an existing application. "python setup.py
develop" has reference to TG in dependency_links but it doesn't work
as it doesn't work when installing tg.devtools.
That is the reason why I suggested adding a "python setup.py
tginstall" command to quickstart setup.cfg so that TG gets correctly
installed with right dependencies and also the exact version of TG
required by the project is installed. I have to admit that I have a
bunch of projects (which are in production with a good amount of
users) that I created long time ago before getting used to having "pip
freeze" and I don't even remember on which version of TG they work.

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