The following table shows all combinations:

Service Require vs Reference Require:
None vs None:  OK
None vs soap: OK
None vs soap.1_1: OK
None vs soap.1_2: OK
soap vs None: OK
soap vs soap: OK
soap vs soap.1_1: OK
soap vs soap.1_2: OK
soap.1_1 vs None: OK
soap.1_1 vs soap: OK
soap.1_1 vs soap.1_1: OK
soap.1_1 vs soap.1_2: Error
soap.1_2 vs None: OK
soap.1_2 vs soap: OK
soap.1_2 vs soap.1_1: Error
soap.1_2 vs soap.1_2: OK

I guess there are only 2 scenarios should generate error. Right?


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 6:17 AM, Mike Edwards
> Gilbert Kwan wrote:
>> I defined a service requires soap.1_2
>> <component name="BComponentSOAP12">
>>  < class="....BServiceSOAP12Impl"/>
>>    <service name="BServiceSOAP12">
>>      < interface="....BServiceSOAP12"/>
>>      < requires="soap.1_2"/>
>>    </service>
>> </component>
>> and a reference by ws binding which requires soap.1_1
>> <component name="AComponent15">
>>  < class="....AServiceImpl"/>
>>    <reference name="b1" target="BComponentSOAP12/BServiceSOAP12">
>>      < interface="..BServiceSOAP12"/>
>>      < requires="soap.1_1"
>> uri="http://localhost:8080/BComponentSOAP12"/>
>>    </reference>
>> </component>
>> I got no warning, error message, or exception. Is it fine?
>> What is the proper behaviour of this scenario?
>> Thanks
>> Gilbert
> Gilbert,
> That looks like an error to me.  Both sides need to be using the same SOAP
> level.
> Looks like a failure of the policy matching between the two ends - I suggest
> raising a JIRA for this one.
> Yours, Mike.

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