On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 9:41 PM, Mike Edwards <

> Simon Laws wrote:
>> Should we really be restricting the behavior of the service side SOAP
>> stack?
>> If your intent is to support 1_2 does that mean we outlaw 1_1 if the SOAP
>> stack happens to be able to make sense of it?
>> Simon
>>  Simon,
> This all depends on what you think is meant when the intent "SOAP.1_2" is
> applied to either a service or to a reference.
> The way it was designed is that it says "This service/reference must use
> SOAP encoding at the 1.2 level of the spec".
> It does not mean "Use SOAP.1_2 if you can but SOAP.1_1 will do as well".
> So strictly, the current Tuscany implementation is in error.  It will use
> SOAP 1.1 encoding even when it has been told to use 1.2.
> Take an example (not a good one for SCA, it must be admitted) where the
> server messes with SOAP Headers only defined in SOAP 1.2.  It would
> naturally mark itself as requiring "SOAP.1_2".  If SOAP 1.1 were used
> instead, those extra headers would not be legal SOAP 1.1.
> If you want to require SOAP encoding but you don't care about the level,
> just specify "SOAP" as the intent - this permits any level of SOAP encoding.
> Yours,  Mike.

Hi Mike

Sticking a pin in the specs it does say what you are saying. I was thinking
"must support" as opposed to "must use" on the service side. Within an SCA
domain in Tuscany I believe that the binding matching code will fail to
match soap.1_1 and soap.1_2 intents. Crossing the domain boundary what would
be the intended action if a soap 1.1 message arrived at a service that is
marked as soap 1.2. A response indicating that the message is not


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