I think right now our binding.ws services (or Axis2 services) will work with
either SOAP 1.1 or 1.2, and the response from the service will use the same
soap version as the request. Thats the default Axis2 behaviour, not sure if
its possible to change to restrict that. So right now the Tuscany code only
uses the soap intent for references. So those two marked as "Error" below
will actually just work with the current Tuscany code.


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Gilbert Kwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The following table shows all combinations:
> Service Require vs Reference Require:
> ============================
> None vs None:  OK
> None vs soap: OK
> None vs soap.1_1: OK
> None vs soap.1_2: OK
> soap vs None: OK
> soap vs soap: OK
> soap vs soap.1_1: OK
> soap vs soap.1_2: OK
> soap.1_1 vs None: OK
> soap.1_1 vs soap: OK
> soap.1_1 vs soap.1_1: OK
> soap.1_1 vs soap.1_2: Error
> soap.1_2 vs None: OK
> soap.1_2 vs soap: OK
> soap.1_2 vs soap.1_1: Error
> soap.1_2 vs soap.1_2: OK
> I guess there are only 2 scenarios should generate error. Right?
> Thanks
> Gilbert
> On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 6:17 AM, Mike Edwards
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Gilbert Kwan wrote:
> >>
> >> I defined a service requires soap.1_2
> >>
> >> <component name="BComponentSOAP12">
> >>  <implementation.java class="....BServiceSOAP12Impl"/>
> >>    <service name="BServiceSOAP12">
> >>      <interface.java interface="....BServiceSOAP12"/>
> >>      <binding.ws requires="soap.1_2"/>
> >>    </service>
> >> </component>
> >>
> >> and a reference by ws binding which requires soap.1_1
> >>
> >> <component name="AComponent15">
> >>  <implementation.java class="....AServiceImpl"/>
> >>    <reference name="b1" target="BComponentSOAP12/BServiceSOAP12">
> >>      <interface.java interface="..BServiceSOAP12"/>
> >>      <binding.ws requires="soap.1_1"
> >> uri="http://localhost:8080/BComponentSOAP12"/>
> >>    </reference>
> >> </component>
> >>
> >> I got no warning, error message, or exception. Is it fine?
> >> What is the proper behaviour of this scenario?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Gilbert
> >>
> > Gilbert,
> >
> > That looks like an error to me.  Both sides need to be using the same
> > level.
> >
> > Looks like a failure of the policy matching between the two ends - I
> suggest
> > raising a JIRA for this one.
> >
> >
> > Yours, Mike.
> >

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