Skip Schuler wrote:

I've successfully deployed and tested the WAR on my Tomcat installation.
Thanks! The links from the index.html page works fine, and I'm able to reach
e.g. http://localhost:8080/sample-feed-aggregator-webapp/atomAggregator

Cool :)

A tiny detail: in your FeedAggregator.composite I see that you specify an
uri on the atom and rss bindings. I guess they are not used?  (at least not
reachable?). E.g. <tuscany:binding.atom uri="
http://localhost:8083/atomAggregator"/> from

Thanks again.

Good point, when we package an SCA composite in a Webapp we can't control the host and port since they are fixed by the Tomcat Web container, so we have ignore them and only consider the path part of the URI (/atomAggregator) and make this path available inside the context of the Webapp.

BTW this shows that the current Webapp integration approach is not leveraging the full power of SCA...

In an ideal SCA world you would expect the following:
- people would configure services in their SCA domain with URIs like "http://myhost:8083/atomAggregator"; and "http://myotherhost:8087/rssAggregator"; - a deployment tool would take the SCA domain configuration and generate the configuration of Tomcat servers on myhost and myotherhost with the right ports and services deployed on them

This would really leverage SCA as a way to describe the configuration of a service oriented network, including multiple machines, servers and their configuration. It's what we're starting to do with SCA nodes being able to embed Tomcat or Jetty servers configured from the SCA metadata.

If on the other hand you start with existing - already configured - Tomcat servers and deploy pieces of your SCA domain to them in Webapps, then some of the network configuration aspects of SCA can't apply anymore. It's what you're seeing here, localhost:8083 must be ignored as the host and port are already fixed by your existing Tomcat server.

For now, I'll adjust the sample to just say <binding uri="atomAggregator"/> :)


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