
In my experience, the folks @Twitter have been extremely responsive
both on this forum+via email, and I thought this group was supposed to
be doing that?


On Jul 16, 3:36 pm, "Joel Strellner" <> wrote:
> Why can't we keep using this list for that purpose?  It has worked well so
> far.
> -Joel
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Peter Denton
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 3:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: [twitter-dev] Re: API Developers Alliance
> Yes, agree with you 100%. I hope my mail did not come across overly
> Orwellian. Twitter is awesome and I have never experienced as warm a
> relationship with any large entity as with twitter.
> My intentions are to provide a place for API developers to discuss long term
> goals, concerns, as an entity of the twitter medium. Being able to express
> needs/fears to twitter in an organized manner will help everyone involved
> and reduce friction and increase transparency.
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Joel Strellner <> wrote:
> Not sure that there needs to be formal alliance, but a working group that
> has the ear of twitter and can make sure needs are being met from both the
> developers and Twitters perspective would be good.
> On that same note though, I feel that twitter has done a pretty good job
> with this balance so far, and I do not feel that they'd do anything to
> hinder developers.  As much as twitter is about being a communications tool,
> it is also a platform.  I think they realizes this, and hindering the
> developers kills the platform.
> So, while an alliance might be helpful, personally, I also do not see it
> changing anything much.
> -Joel
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Peter Denton
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 2:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: [twitter-dev] API Developers Alliance
> There is a lot of ambiguity up in the air, about api devs (third party) and
> the future of the api and twitter. Apps are a huge growth vehicle and a very
> significant piece of the future, getting the Twitter medium a global
> behavior.
> I believe there should be a formal alliance of third party developers to
> ensure that Apps have rights. The ambiguity around "down the road, if and
> when" scenarios, leave many investors weary, teams unformed, and products
> unbuilt because at the end of the day, people have to consider a massive
> acquisition or change where suddenly apps are crushed by the parent. Twitter
> is not facebook and potential for sustainable/profitable products and
> services around this medium are real. If you don't agree, that's fine. I am
> seeking those who believe this and want to address this.
> This is not meant to be a big, serious thing. This is meant to be an action
> item to those who want a developer bill of rights to happen, with
> input/voice from an organized approach, and want to create some level of
> insurance, to go out to investors/partners with an approach.
> If anyone would like to discuss this, please let me know off the list. I am
> not trying to irritate people, just gauge people's interest.
> Regards
> Peter
> --
> Peter M.
> Twibs makes Top 20 apps on Twitter -

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