No, there is no FW. As I said with a different component on the same PC using 
same connection and same server I do not experience the problem.

The problem is that Indy sends a large amount TCP segments as the received 
window increasing and as no drop occured while ICS FTP client does not increase 
the number of sent segments, so the unacknowledged amount of bytes is not 

I am using mobile network - HSDPA - RTT is much higher than in a LAN 
environment. That's why I thought that if I increase the send buffer that could 
help. I tried the following just for test:

In procedure TCustomFtpCli.DataSocketPutSessionAvailable

//original lines
OptLen := SizeOf(SndBufSize);
if WSocket_getsockopt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET,
                          @SndBufSize, OptLen) = SOCKET_ERROR then begin
        HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');
//original ends

//added these lines
msg := Format('Send buffer Size> %d', [SndBufSize]);

    if Assigned(FOnDisplay) then FOnDisplay(self, msg);

    SndBufSize := 8192 * 5;

    if (SetSockOpt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, @SndBufSize, 
optlen) <> NO_ERROR)
    then begin
        HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');

    if WSocket_getsockopt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET,
                          @SndBufSize, OptLen) = SOCKET_ERROR then begin
        HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');

     msg := Format('Send buffer Size> %d', [SndBufSize]);
//addition ends

I increased the send buffer to 40k. Of course it works only during active 
connections. it does not help.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arno Garrels
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 12:16 PM
To: ICS support mailing
Subject: Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

I once tested uploading a 2 GB file at 44 Mbits/s in a 100 Mbit/s LAN.
Write ahead cache was disabled at the Server's HDD  and the
the disk seemed rather busy, the HDD was probably the bottleneck
that avoided higher speeds.

Make sure you do not have any anti-virus software or a personal
Firewall running, customers frequently reported that upload speed
increased heavily when they killed their background protection.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Fias Norbert István wrote:
> Honestly I did not find the answer for my following question int he
> archieves, buti t can be I missed something.
> I have the following problem
> In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow. It seems that
> the client does not send enough fast the TCP segments. I mean it is
> waiting for the previous ACK. The receive window size ont he servers
> ide is big enough. No bandwidth limit int he client. Is this problem
> related to winsock, or can I do anything againts? Can I increase the
> send buffer size of the data socket?
> I do not experience the problem with Indy FTP client / same machine,
> same connection, same server.
> Thanks in advance,
> Norbert
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